2024 2025 IAABO Manual June20_2024

Page 6

Glossary of Terms

official shall indicate the appropriate throw-in spot. Lead (L) —The official whose normal position in the frontcourt is off the end line. Move to improve/Position adjust —Each official must constantly adjust and shift to the most advantageous position within their primary coverage area (PCA) in order to efficiently seek the best angle and monitor the play. Opposite side —The side of the court opposite the scorer’s table. Primary coverage area (PCA) —Specific area on the court that each official observes and is responsible for ruling fouls and violations, according to their position. Primary Defender —A player who initially guards (or attempts to guard) an offensive opponent. Remain and read (R&R) —A term used to emphasize the necessity for each official to remain in position in order to recognize and examine play development before moving in transition. Secondary Defender —A teammate who attempts to help a primary defender guard an opponent after the primary defender has been beaten or when double teaming an opponent. Secondary/Expanded Coverage Area (SCA) —The area outside an official’s Primary Coverage Area. Strongside —The side of the basketline where the Lead is positioned. Switch —Refers to a change of position by officials, during a dead ball, after a foul ruling. Tableside —The side of the court where the scorer’s table is located. Trail (T) —The official whose initial starting position in the frontcourt is at or inside the 28-foot mark. Weakside —Refers to the side opposite from where the Lead is located. Work the Arc —Refers to position-adjustment made by the Trail to better officiate the play in their PCA as the ball moves across the basketline toward the far side of the court away from the Trail’s home position. Wrap Back —A mechanic used by the Trail who has “worked the arc” and then needs to position-adjust back toward the initial starting position at the sideline. This should occur when the ball leaves the Trail’s PCA and/ or during a try from the perimeter. The purpose is to improve PCA and rebounding coverage.

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