2024 2025 IAABO Manual June20_2024

Glossary of Terms

Page 73

Glossary of Terms

A,B,C —Refers to a process and guide for Lead’s positioning Ball placement procedure —During time-outs and intermissions, where the administering official holds the ball indicates the direction of the ensuing throw-in: on the left/right hip for sideline throw-ins, and in front of or behind the official for end line throw-ins. Ballside —The side of the basketline where the ball is located. Basketline —The imaginary line that divides the court in half from end line to end line, running through the center of each basket. Box-in —A mechanic in which officials are positioned on opposite sides of the court to guarantee that all ten players are between them and are continually monitored. A visual as well as a physical boxing in is acceptable. Center (C) —Refers to the position of the official positioned near the free throw line extended across the basketline from the Trail and Lead. Close down —An official’s movement to improve the angle of coverage. For the Lead , it is a mechanic of moving along the end line toward the free throw lane line extended. For the Trail , it is a mechanic used on a try for goal or final free throw attempt to improve rebound coverage by moving toward the end line. Competitive Match-Up —Opponents who are actively competing against one another for the ball and/or a position on the court. Dead ball efficiency —The principle of using dead ball periods to communicate information with partner(s) that will help the crew resume play efficiently and correctly. This information may include identifying the fouler, identifying the free thrower, beckoning substitutes, or communicating which team was last in team control and where the ball will be put into play. Designated spot —A three foot wide box that has no depth limit. This box is set by the official administering the throw-in before placing the ball at the disposal of the thrower. Double (Multiple) whistles —Occurs when two or three officials sound their whistles at approximately the same time. Double the Sideline —When administering throw-ins, both the Lead and Trail should be positioned the along same sideline on the strongside of the court. Field-of-vision cone —The area of the court within the visual periphery of each official. Freeze —A technique used by the non-ruling official(s) to focus their field of vision on the coverage of all players until the ruling official has completed reporting. When a foul is ruled/reported, the non-ruling official(s) shall freeze their eyes while moving to their next position. Help —Verbal and non-verbal communication between officials. Help may be requested or offered. As a result of the information conveyed, the official responsible for stopping the clock or the assisting official will give the appropriate signal. Depending on the information communicated, either official may give the appropriate signal. If the information is used to change the original ruling, the official responsible for stopping the clock shall give

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